Welcome to Settlers Mill
Settlers Mill is one of Williamsburg’s most desirable neighborhoods. Located on 156 acres in James City County, the community was designed with tree lined streets and spaces for gathering.
Our beautiful neighborhood features nearly 200 single-family homes populated by families with young and teenage children, empty nesters and singles. We are a social neighborhood with activities for all: children’s events, summer picnics, retirees’ get-togethers, year-end holiday parties, book groups, and more.
Our amenities include a pool, basketball court, tennis and pickleball court, playground and a newly renovated clubhouse with a pavilion. Read more.

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Settlers Mill Business Network
Have you ever needed a service and thought it would be nice to support a business owned by a neighbor? Or do you provide a service and want to create more exposure? Whether you’re interested in financial or real estate help, burgers or chicken, or health providers, Settlers Mill has a wealth of talented neighbors ready to serve you.
Take a look at our new Settlers Mill Business Network Let us add your service or business - contact us today!

Around Town
Firearm Safety Classes
Saturday, February 8th to Saturday, April 26th at JCC Law Enforcement Center, 4600 Opportunity Way
The James City County Police Department offers the public free one-session Firearms Safety Classes. Open to all ages, these classes will cover essential topics such as firearm safety, handling, storage, and the laws regarding carrying a concealed handgun in Virginia. **Please note that this course does not include hands-on training, and participants are advised to leave all personal firearms securely stored at home. Class dates are Feb. 8, Mar. 18, and Apr. 26.
Read more here